Jazeera Airways makes its debut at Budapest with first ever direct connection to Kuwait

January 23, 2025

A new route served by Jazeera Airways between Budapest in Hungary and Kuwait City, marks the first ever direction connection between the two countries.
Operated by Kuwaiti low-cost carrier, Jazeera Airways, the twice-weekly service will operate initially between June and September 2025 on an Airbus A320, with 174 seats. It is expected to facilitate travel not only from Kuwait but also from India, boosting Budapest’s position as a gateway to the Middle East. The airport already offers close to 17,000 weekly seats to the Middle East region catering for flights to Abud Dhabi, Dubai, Israel, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Commenting on the route development, Máté Ritter, head of airline development at Budapest Airport said: “This new service highlights the strength of our network development strategy and underscores the growing demand for connections between Hungary and the Middle East.”
Operational independence
Founded in 2004 as the first privately owned airline in the Middle East Jazeera Airways is one of the largest operators at Kuwait International Airport, opening its own dedicated terminal at the air transport hub in 2018. The airline operates a fleet of 24 Airbus A320 and A320neo aircraft and was the first Middle Eastern carrier to introduce the latter aircraft type into its fleet. In December Jazeera Airways acquired six Airbus A320-200s which were on operating leases marking an important step in its strategy to reduce its reliance on lessors while driving long-term stability and operational independence.