Copa Airlines purchases eight DA40 NG

Image: Copa Airlines

Diamond Aircraft Canada and Copa Airlines, headquartered in Panama City, recently signed an order for eight Diamond Aircraft jet-fuel powered DA40 NG. Copa Airlines is…


Image: Copa Airlines

Diamond Aircraft Canada and Copa Airlines, headquartered in Panama City, recently signed an order for eight Diamond Aircraft jet-fuel powered DA40 NG. Copa Airlines is Diamond Aircraft’s first customer in Panama.

Advanced training aircraft

“The DA40 NG is one of the most technologically advanced training aircraft on the market and we are excited to partner with Diamond Aircraft Canada and D Aviation Group in Panama to bring it to our Academy (ALAS) to prepare our students for their future as pilots. We continue investing in flight education as we train the next generation of Copa Airlines pilots, who are the future of our airline,” said Bolivar Dominguez, Copa’s Vice President for Flight Operations. “These student pilots are receiving world-class flight training at ALAS Academy and I’m looking forward to the day when they join our current Copa Airlines pilots on the flight deck.”

“Diamond Aircraft would like to congratulate Copa Airlines on the new aircraft purchase,” commented Kevin Sheng, CEO of Diamond Aircraft Canada. “They will hugely benefit from the most modern piston training aircraft technology available today and Diamond’s operational cost efficiencies as well as low emissions and noise signature.”

The modern composite DA40 NG, powered by the sophisticated Austro Engine 168 hp AE300 jet fuel engine, is an effective training platform for commercial cross-country navigation and instrument approach/landing procedures. The aircraft features Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpits and is exceptionally fuel efficient and silent. Currently more than 2,500 types of this aircraft are in worldwide operations.

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