Tackling gender inequality
The Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter (WIAAC) have entered a new partnership with ADS at Farnborough International Airshow, in an evolution that will ensure the Charter’s long-term sustainability.
The Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter (WIAAC) have entered a new partnership with ADS at Farnborough International Airshow, in an evolution that will ensure the Charter’s long-term sustainability.
The WIAAC and ADS also launched a new self-reporting pledge at Farnborough, asking members “What’s Your 30?”. WIAAC signatories joining the pledge will outline individual goals that focus on the number 30 to boost their gender representation by 2030.
On the fourth anniversary of the Charter’s inception, Sumati Sharma, founder of the WIAAC and Partner at Oliver Wyman said: “I am so proud of everything that the Charter has achieved over the last four years, and it is time to evolve. It is so exciting to partner with ADS to continue the Charter’s objective: to break down gender barriers across aviation and aerospace.”
Kevin Craven, chief executive of ADS said: “The aviation and aerospace industry is determined not to lose gender balance progress to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure women are represented at senior levels as new working patterns are adopted.
“Bringing together senior aerospace and aviation stakeholders and launching its 30 by 2030 ambition during Farnborough International Airshow highlights the significant commitment of our industries. I am always pleased to see ADS Members supporting the Charter in its ambitions to make our industries more attractive to work in.
“The new ambition allows signatories and supporting organisations of the Charter to set their own path to 30 per cent by 2030 in their organisation, recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all policy in inclusion and diversity.”
Examples of pledges include increasing the percentage of female engineers by 30% or a 30% boost in female representation in the C-Suite. Organisations are not limited to the number of goals they introduce, nor the area of the business that the goals are implemented.
Victoria Foy, chief executive of Safran Seats GB said: “Asking signatories “What’s your 30?” sparks these needed conversations in boardrooms to create positive change. The pledge’s open boundaries allow companies to tailor their objectives in relation to their current and future intended position.
“Our pledge also promotes male advocacy for gender representation at work. We want to see men fronting our panels and attending our networking events. That way we will see holistic change.”
Action towards the pledge will be self-regulated, with the charter promoting and supporting pledges across social media. The “What’s Your 30?” duties will be separate from organisations’ original four commitments to the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter which remain.
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