US shows off full fleet capability at Paris Air Show 2023
Image: F16
The Aerospace Industries Association, the US-based aerospace and defence industry body, welcomed FINN’s Rebecca Farquhar and Hazel King to its static display today (23 June) to…

Image: F16
The Aerospace Industries Association, the US-based aerospace and defence industry body, welcomed FINN’s Rebecca Farquhar and Hazel King to its static display today (23 June) to showcase its fleet of military aircraft and promote its capabilities in modern defence missions.
On show were the F15, two F16s and the F35 fighter planes, as well as the KC-46, C-130J, US Navy P8 and multiple helicopters.
Smart aircraft fleet
The F35 is “the smartest aircraft in the US military fleet”, according to Captain Stephen Carter. “It uses a system called sensor fusion, which means it has one giant supercomputer that is made up of smaller ones,” he adds. “This means it is constantly working out how to adapt and change to be as efficient as possible and allows for extreme situational awareness.”
This means pilots can be their own flight leaders on a mission because, rather than flying as visual wingmen where the flight lead instructs the other pilots where to position their aircraft, the F35’s digital capabilities allow for aircraft on the same mission to fly out of sight as a “single shift flight lead”, according to Captain Carter.
Super Hercules
FINN was treated to a visit inside the Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft. The C-130J is a four-engine turboprop and an update of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, with new engines, flight deck, and other systems.
It is a more efficient aircraft, with electronic roller systems that allow the aircraft to land, offload cargo and reload ready for take-off within 30 minutes. It also features a parachute release system for in-flight offloading and can accommodate up to 150 passengers or be transformed into a flying hospital for medical missions.
All aircraft on show were capable of in-flight refuelling from the KC-46, which features a refuelling boom fir air force aircraft as well as a probe and drogue – a method using a trailing hose with a basket on the end into which pilots guide a probe to connect with the hose. This enables the KC-46 to fuel other types of aircraft such as those of its allies whilst in flight.
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