FAA continues crackdown on unruly passengers
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has handled 915 cases of unruly passengers between the start of the year and 9 June.
Of these 915 cases, a total of 106…
June 14, 2024

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has handled 915 cases of unruly passengers between the start of the year and 9 June.
Of these 915 cases, a total of 106 cases involved passengers who were intoxicated the FAA said as it continues its crackdown on bad behaviour in the skies.
The crackdown started in January 2021 when, having seen a disturbing increase in cases that led to 5,973 unruly passenger reports in that year alone, the agency began issuing fines instead of warning letters or counselling.
And it continues to pursue legal enforcement action against any passenger who assaults, threatens, intimidates or interferes with airline crewmembers and can propose civil penalties up to $37,000 per violation.
The tactic seems to be working, with an ensuing fall in incidents with 2022 showing a drop of 59% to 2,455 incidents while 2,075 were reported last year.