Munich and Istanbul agree training collaboration to lead the way for global aviation education

Istanbul Airport’s IGA Academy and Munich AirportAcademy join forces to take education in the aviation industry to a new level

Munich AirportAcademy
Istanbul Airport’s IGA Academy and Munich AirportAcademy join forces to take education in the aviation industry to a new level

In recognition of the need to enhance and expand training facilities to meet the changing needs of the industry and its future workforce, Munich AirportAcademy and Istanbul’s IGA Academy have agreed to jointly develop innovative training programmes.

The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), on September 26, enabling them to jointly develop programmes that will be tailored to both the current and future needs of the industry and provide a more comprehensive learning experience for tomorrow’s workforce.

Key elements of the agreement include joint training initiatives, staff exchanges and the sharing of knowledge and resources.

“With Munich and Istanbul airports both recognised as leaders in the global aviation landscape, this partnership brings together our longstanding expertise to redefine aviation training,” said Alexander Hoemer, head of Munich AirportAcademy. “By uniting our strengths, we aim to create innovative learning programmes that not only meet the industry’s evolving needs but also set new benchmarks in education.”

The strategic partnership will also see the two academies undertake joint promotional activities to increase their visibility and reach and to underpin their positions as leading training establishments in the sector.

Dr. Tunc Cavcav, head of iGA Academy, said the MoU underscores the value of international partnerships in fostering operational excellence and advancing knowledge-sharing across the sector. “In an industry where collaboration is far more vital than competition, cross-border cooperation in aviation training is essential. Both Istanbul and Munich Airports have a rich heritage and capacity for visionary projects like this.”

He also noted that the partnership aligns with iGA Academy’s focus on creating a sustainable, highly skilled global aviation workforce, while ensuring the highest standards in safety and innovation. “This partnership is a testament to our commitment to building bridges, encouraging continuous learning and leading the way in global aviation education,” he concluded.

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