Register now for the Sustainable Skies Webinar on January 25

The spotlight will shine on the industry’s commitment to achieving NetZero at the Sustainable Skies World Summit to be held at Farnborough in April and at the Farnborough Airshow in…

The spotlight will shine on the industry’s commitment to achieving NetZero at the Sustainable Skies World Summit to be held at Farnborough in April and at the Farnborough Airshow in July.

But before then, there’s an opportunity to join the debate for Farnborough International’s second Sustainable Skies webinar which takes place on Tuesday January 25, 2022.

FINN editor-in-chief Alan Peaford will introduce key speakers including Holly Greig, Deputy Director, Aviation Climate Change at Department for Transport ; former airline CEO Sebastian Mikosz now Senior VP Environment for IATA; Adam Morton the Chair, for Sustainable Aviation UK and senior decision makers from airlines, airframers, and engine-makers.

During the session, policy makers, industry and NGOs will discuss how the industry can accelerate the actionable changes needed to deliver and what the sector needs to be by the time ICAO hosts its general assembly later in the year.

Click here to register now

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