Inzpire aims to slash simulator training costs by 95%

Military training can be very expensive. Inzpire has come up with a system to dramatically cut some of those costs – the Targeted Facility Simulator.

Chris Raynes, Helicopter Services Project…

Military training can be very expensive. Inzpire has come up with a system to dramatically cut some of those costs – the Targeted Facility Simulator.

Chris Raynes, Helicopter Services Project Lead, Inzpire, says, “We’ve developed a device that hopes to bridge the gap between the flat panel variant of simulators and full motion simulators. We are trying to develop a cockpit that gives the pilot or air crew full immersion in the flying experience and tries to reduce the training burden of the real aircraft.”

Although less than the outlay for live training, full motion simulator training can still be expensive due to the high cost of purchase, the need for high levels of support (and associated maintenance costs), the space and infrastructure required, as well as the risk of obsolescence.

According to Inzpire, the Targeted Facility Simulator can be installed in much smaller spaces, is low-maintenance, fully customisable and easily upgraded.  The company says the cost is approximately 5-10% of a full motion simulator.

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