AtkinsRéalis helps the UK defence sector tackle a multitude of challenges

The newly rebranded AtkinsRéalis is helping the UK government and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) improve operations, from acquisitions and getting technology to the front line, to…

The newly rebranded AtkinsRéalis is helping the UK government and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) improve operations, from acquisitions and getting technology to the front line, to sustainability and workforce diversity.

“It has been a very exciting time for our company as we’ve brought our three companies together to become AtkinsRéalis,” explained Philip Hoare, president engineering services. “As a company, we have been working really hard to bring the best of our capability, wherever it is in the world, to our customers, wherever they are in the world.”

The situation in Ukraine and Indo-Pacific security are just some of the challenges facing AtkinsRéalis’ customers, according to David Clark, global VP defence. “A key challenge we’re focused on is how the MoD speeds up acquisition and the pace of delivery of capability to the front line,” he commented. “For us, that has three principal components – how you more rapidly adopt digital technology in the delivery of capability, how you bring in innovation, and how you have the right people and skills to take those things forward.”

The UK defence sector has a big role to play in driving net zero and AtkinsRéalis is working across a number of different areas to do that, from defence infrastructure and understanding the carbon impact of the MoD, to the sustainability credentials of the equipment being used. “Our experts across AtkinsRéalis are involved in many different aspects of the drive towards net zero, and that is an area I see of increasing complexity but also some great solutions can be had in that space,” said Hoare.

Actively engaging a more diverse workforce across ethnic minorities and women in defence is a big focus for AtkinsRéalis, and the company is encouraging more diversity across its own organisation. It is also exploring the opportunities in cyber resilience and has developed an award-winning programme with the ministry of defence.

“It really showcases the wide variety of things you need to do to be able to bring cyber resilience to life for customers around the UK,” Hoare concluded.
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