Vueling’s Innovation Lab presents new disruptive initiatives

Vueling, part of IAG, has presented innovative technological projects at 4YFN, held in Barcelona as part of the Mobile World Congress, through its Innovation Lab.

The airline’s Innovation…


Vueling, part of IAG, has presented innovative technological projects at 4YFN, held in Barcelona as part of the Mobile World Congress, through its Innovation Lab.

The airline’s Innovation Lab aims to develop new technologies to identify opportunities and adapt services to future customer needs. These initiatives are part of Vueling’s commitment to innovation within the aviation sector, the airline said.

Innovation Lab

The carrier is also working to promote projects by collaborating with start-ups through Hangar 51.

This IAG start-up acceleration project connects global innovators with the group’s companies to solve different challenges using emerging technology and new approaches.

‘Flying’ between Metaverses

As part of the most disruptive innovation initiatives, over a time frame of 12 years, the company is working to be able to offer the option of ‘flying’ between metaverses in the future.

Alex Corretgé, head of innovation at Vueling, said: “We believe that in the future there will not be a single metaverse but several created by different entities.

“There are two actors working on standards to enable interoperability between metaverses and Vueling is working to be involved in the development of these standards so that, when they are created, we can offer the service of ‘flying’ from one metaverse to another as an airline with all your assets and your avatar.”

Digital assets

In its practical application, the development of these standards would make it possible to go from one metaverse to another by allowing the avatar itself to carry all its digital assets with it.

One of these assets could be, for example, the NFT of a pair of trainers, which each user’s avatar could carry from one metaverse to another.

“This could mean a new business model for an airline like Vueling, in a completely new scenario that is still being defined,” said Corretgé.

Although the metaverse is still a developing field, its potential for both individuals and companies allow technological development to flourish.

For this reason, more and more companies are investing in the metaverse by creating their own digital space.
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