Norwegian transports emergency aid to drought-hit Ethiopia

Image:  Norwegian

A Norwegian aircraft loaded with emergency aid is en-route to Ethiopia.

Norwegian, in collaboration with UNICEF Norway, will bring relief to children affected by famine and drought…


Image:  Norwegian

A Norwegian aircraft loaded with emergency aid is en-route to Ethiopia.

Norwegian, in collaboration with UNICEF Norway, will bring relief to children affected by famine and drought in Ethiopia. This morning, Norwegian’s newest 737 MAX 8 aircraft was loaded with 10 tonnes of emergency aid from UNICEF’s warehouse in Copenhagen – the world’s largest humanitarian warehouse.

“Finally, together with UNICEF, we can once again fill a plane with emergency aid. I am very happy that we can contribute to getting even more direct emergency aid to children in Ethiopia and, through this, contribute to putting the spotlight on one of the world’s biggest crises,” said Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian.

Norwegian is providing the aircraft, crew and key employees to UNICEF for this mission.

“Thanks to the fantastic efforts of Norwegian’s employees, we can now send a fully loaded plane with medical equipment and other emergency aid to the Horn of Africa. It means a lot to have employees who are such active supporters,” said Camilla Viken, Secretary General of UNICEF Norway.

The collaboration between Norwegian and UNICEF Norway stretches back more than 15 years.

“The partnership with UNICEF is a great source of pride internally at Norwegian. Most importantly, we see that our contributions are having meaningful and immediate results. Through fundraising campaigns by employees, humanitarian campaigns and donations from customers we have contributed to giving children all over the world better living conditions,” said Karlsen.

Worst drought in 40 years

The population in the Horn of Africa is currently experiencing the worst drought in 40 years. Five rainy seasons have failed and the sixth is in danger of failing. In this region, more than 20 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

“As the world faces humanitarian crises increasing in complexity, scale and frequency, it is more important than ever to reach vulnerable communities with life-saving supplies,” said Etleva Kadilli, Director of UNICEF’s Supply Division.

“UNICEF is proud to partner with Norwegian on the Fill a Plane initiative to deliver items to Ethiopia from our Global Supply and Logistics Hub in Copenhagen, including emergency health kits, medicines and midwifery kits. Every child deserves access to essential supplies, and this shipment will support health services to provide critical care for children and their families,” said Kadilli.

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