Netherlands presents Defence Note 2024

The Dutch Minister of Defence Ruben Brekelmans, officially presented the 2024 ‘Defence Note’ on 5 September.

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Ruben Brekelmans, the Dutch Minister of Defence officially presented the 2024 ‘Defence Note’ on 5 September.

After a long period of peace in Europe, the Netherlands now recognises that new threats mean that it should actively contribute to deterrence in order to prevent an armed conflict.  New investments will be necessary to achieve this and to meet higher NATO requirements.

The Netherlands Defence budget is to be increased to €24 billion, and this will allow the acquisition of six additional F-35A Lightning IIs for the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu, Royal Netherlands Air Force), taking total Dutch procurement to 58 aircraft.

The increased budget will also allow the procurement of an unknown number of additional NH90 helicopters for the maritime helicopter fleet, supporting more deployments by ships with an on-board helicopter.

The Dutch Ministry of Defence is also hoping to procure an unspecified new unmanned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability. “An unmanned platform is being acquired that can survive in the highest spectrum of violence and can therefore collect and share important data deep in enemy territory. The existing MQ-9 capacity is not suitable for this. In this way, Defence is better fulfilling a NATO Priority Target and a major shortfall within the EU.”

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