Kookiejar to deploy Eve Urban ATM for vertiport operations in Dubai

Vertiport developer Kookiejar has signed a Letter of Intent with Eve Air Mobility for its Urban air traffic management (ATM) system to support operations in Dubai.

The agreement, which was…


Vertiport developer Kookiejar has signed a Letter of Intent with Eve Air Mobility for its Urban air traffic management (ATM) system to support operations in Dubai.

The agreement, which was announced during Dubai Airshow, will enable Kookiejar and its local partner Air Chateau to develop networks of vertiports connected via Eve’s Urban ATM system. This will support safe and scaled urban air mobility operations that provides a path to commercialization in 2025-2026.

“Urban air mobility relies on infrastructure within the lower air space as well as accessible take-off and landing spots – vertiports. Eve’s Urban ATM solution provides an integrated suite of software that will enable an efficient and predictable eVTOL ecosystem,” said Rob Weaver, Urban ATM global business development lead at Eve Air Mobility. “In Dubai, we are looking forward to working with KookieJar as they combine expertise in both ground and air infrastructure to design a flexible, sustainable and reliable vertiport network.”

Urban airspace

Eve has engaged Atech, Embraer’s Air Traffic Control technology and system integrator company, to support the development of the Urban ATM software solution.

“By leveraging decades of experience in one of the largest urban air mobility operations of 1,500+ air taxi operations per day in Sao Paulo, the helicopter capital of the world, Eve’s Urban ATM system gives us the edge to integrate our Vertiports here in UAE and enable ANSPs to increase urban airspace capacity,” said Wassaf Akhtar, chief technology officer at Kookiejar. “This will provide equitable airspace access on our network of vertiports for eVTOLs.”

Kookiejar is working with stakeholders in Dubai to think about the routes that eVTOLs will take within existing VFR corridors that helicopters use today with its partners Vertiport Hub at Air Chateau and Dubai South.

The company is also collaborating with regulators, customers, air navigation service providers, fleet operators, vertiport developers, airports and other UAM ecosystems stakeholders globally to advance concepts and develop technology to support initial operation and scaling of UAM operations from an ATM perspective.

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