DSEI Japan postponed

DSEI Japan, which was scheduled to take place January 26-28 2022, has been postponed due to changing travel restrictions for foreign visitors entering Japan.

The Japanese government has put in…


DSEI Japan, which was scheduled to take place January 26-28 2022, has been postponed due to changing travel restrictions for foreign visitors entering Japan.

The Japanese government has put in place an immediate travel ban to all foreigners due to the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. As a result, Clarion Defence & Security and partner Crisis Intelligence have decided that it is not tenable for DSEI Japan to be able to take place in January 2022.

Details of the rescheduled event and location will follow in the coming weeks. James Samuel, Portfolio Director, Clarion Defence & Security, said: “This has been a very difficult decision but one that we feel is best for both international and domestic attendees. We have done everything we possibly could to run DSEI Japan and we will work hard towards delivering a successful event when the conditions are more favourable.”

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