Delta Air Lines signs up to IATA’s CO2 Connect emissions calculator

September 26, 2024

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has confirmed that Delta Air Lines has agreed to use and contribute operational data for its emissions calculator.
Amelia DeLuca, chief sustainability officer of Delta Air Lines, explained: “IATA CO2 Connect has the potential to help airlines like Delta, more effectively measure and advocate decarbonisation efforts that are critical on our journey to net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.”
The agreement will see Delta contribute fuel-burn data from its 4,000 daily flights to CO2 Connect, enabling the airline to provide greater transparency for passengers of its impact on the environment through flying.
“With Delta’s participation, IATA CO2 Connect will become an even stronger tool helping aviation to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050,” said Marie Owens Thomsen, IATA’s SVP sustainability and chief economist. “IATA CO2 Connect’s methodology sets it apart because it uses operational data, not modelled averages.”
The aggregation of data from over 40 airlines, including Delta, makes IATA CO2 Connect’s calculations a reliable source of measuring and reporting carbon emissions.
For individual airlines, travellers, corporates and shippers, having consistent and accurate calculations on which to make informed decisions on managing their carbon footprints, is critical added Thomsen.