Consumers expect to be travelling via hyperloop and air taxi by 2030

Consumers expect transportation to become increasingly electric and connected, according to new research from Dassault Systèmes.

The study, carried out by CITE Research, found that more than 70 per cent…


Consumers expect transportation to become increasingly electric and connected, according to new research from Dassault Systèmes.

The study, carried out by CITE Research, found that more than 70 per cent of 1,000 US-based respondents expects to use hybrid or fully electric vehicles by 2030. Over half (51 per cent)  think they will be travelling by hyperloop and 28 per cent believe they’ll be using air taxis.

More than three-quarters said they expect personalised passenger experiences such as navigation path optimisation and city-controlled traffic regulation. However, the majority don’t want to allow access to their personal data to improve such services.

Hype vs reality

Consumers said they also expect smart homes (70 per cent), personalised preventative health (80 per cent), mobile payments (84 per cent) and in-store retail experiences (55 per cent) to be the norm by 2030.

Florence Verzelen, Executive Vice President, Industry Solutions, Field Marketing, Global Affairs, Dassault Systèmes, said: “This survey on consumer expectations of the city of 2030 allows us to gauge the hype versus what consumers perceive as realities that are truly coming their way.

“Consumers expect massive change in every aspect of their lives.

“This glimpse into their thinking offers valuable feedback to companies on what to explore, develop and accelerate.

“It confirms personalised initiatives as the dominating theme behind all innovation.”

The research was published ahead of the CES trade show, which takes place January 8-11, 2019, in Las Vegas.

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