Brazilian and Chinese travellers lead long-haul charge to Europe

Brazilian and Chinese travellers are predicted to be the two biggest long-haul markets travelling to Europe this summer.

The Long-Haul Travel Barometer (LHTB) published by the European Travel Commission (ETC)…

Europe from space at night with city lights showing European cities in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and United Kingdom (UK), global overview, 3d rendering of planet Earth, elements from NASA

Brazilian and Chinese travellers are predicted to be the two biggest long-haul markets travelling to Europe this summer.

The Long-Haul Travel Barometer (LHTB) published by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and Eurail BV is a survey of 7,000 travellers from seven major overseas markets – Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and the US.

It monitors travel sentiment to Europe for the current summer months, from May to August 2024.

Results have shown that China and Brazil are the two markets most interested in visiting Europe this summer, with 62% and 52% of travellers respectively planning a trip.

Travellers from Canada and the US come next at 42% and 40% each, followed by Australia at 37%, South Korea at 35% and Japan on just 19%.

Younger travellers either aged 18-24 or 34-49 and those with the highest incomes across all markets are driving the desire to visit Europe.

ETC president Miguel Sanz said: “The positive trends we are recording in travel behaviour are a win-win for travellers and destinations.

“We are seeing an increased interest in longer stays, allowing tourists to develop a deeper connection with the local culture and support the businesses that make each destination unique.

“In addition, the openness to off-season travel presents a golden opportunity to spread tourism more evenly throughout the year.

“This can help reduce peak periods’ social and environmental strain and better support destinations’ visitor economy.”

Safety also remains a key concern for long-haul travellers with 45% of respondents prioritising European destinations believed to be secure; quality tourism infrastructure comes second with 38% while 36% of respondents are keen to visit iconic landmarks.

Stable weather conditions are next, with 31% choosing them, while one in five travellers want direct flights, with the same amount preferring good train connections once in destination.

Affordability is a concern for 23% of respondents, although this has dropped from 32% last year.

The survey also found 67% of long-haul visitors to Europe are opting for multi-country itineraries with about half (51%) of respondents intent on using full-service airlines to travel around the Continent.

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