AAR and WZL-2 open new F-16 overhaul facility in Poland

AAR Corporation, a leading provider of aviation services to commercial and government operators, MROs, and OEMs, and Polish aviation leader Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze Nr 2 (WZL-2) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony…


AAR Corporation, a leading provider of aviation services to commercial and government operators, MROs, and OEMs, and Polish aviation leader Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze Nr 2 (WZL-2) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier this month for their new state-of-the-art aircraft overhaul facility in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

US government personnel, including ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski, Polish government officials, and leaders from AAR and WZL-2 celebrated the official opening of a depot capability supporting the United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) F-16 fleet.

“This celebration represents not just the opening of the facility, but the beginning of joint efforts to optimise fleet readiness and aircraft availability for the USAFE F-16 programme,” said Jay Pereira, AAR’s general manager of government programmes.

“In this critical time for regional security, AAR is excited to establish an industry-leading depot capability to support regional needs and enable USAFE forces.”

Complex maintenance tasks

AAR and WZL-2 will accomplish some of the most challenging and complex maintenance tasks to keep the F-16 in the skies.

These tasks include F-16 avionic modification upgrades; structural modifications, repairs, and corrosion control; service life extension program (SLEP) modifications; and any other technical upgrades needed.

The facility has already inducted two F-16s for maintenance and repairs with plans to induct a third next month.
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