Legislation paving way for flying cars in the US

Legislative bodies across the US are working to ensure that roadable aircraft can be easily registered and licensed in all 50 states.

Samson Sky was one of three flying car…


Legislative bodies across the US are working to ensure that roadable aircraft can be easily registered and licensed in all 50 states.

Samson Sky was one of three flying car companies who provided industry input to New Hampshire’s House Transportation Committee, resulting in a milestone with the 2020 passage of the first ever legislation for state registration of roadable aircraft.

The bill dubbed, The “Jetson Bill” included wording to allow roadable aircraft a simpler method of state registration to allow their use on state roads and highways.

Other stakeholders included flying car companies Terrafugia (they have since moved US operations to China) and PAL-V, a Dutch company with a US office in New Hampshire.

As with any small aircraft, you are not allowed to takeoff from or land on public roads in flying mode, except if you have declared an emergency, as is accepted under existing rules for aircraft.

The new legislation basically specifies that drivers of roadable aircraft are required to adhere to the rules of the road while driving, the same as any other car, truck, bicycle, motorcycle, or farm vehicle.

With the Jetson Bill as a precedent for nationwide flying car regulations, Samson is currently working with numerous other states on similar legislation.

Russell Bousfield, Samson’s legislative analyst affirmed that bills are actively being drafted which are projected to be introduced into committee in 2024, in eight of the more populous and forward-looking states.

“We’re very excited to provide industry input to State legislators who are laying the foundation for this new form of transportation,” said Bousfield. “It’s been very rewarding to work with influential lawmakers that share a desire to bring about new technologies and advancements in aerospace.”

Many states are interested in encouraging job and industry growth, and high-tech jobs are a sure way to bring more skilled jobs into their communities.

“Legislation to help simplify the integration of roadable aircraft into the highway system will serve to benefit all flying car manufacturers,” said Bousfield.

“And I would like to thank those legislative members who have drafted bills, for their contribution to advancing aerospace innovation.”
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