RenEnergy unveils purpose-built electric charging port for Saxon Air at Norwich Airport

RenEnergy unveils electric charging port for Saxon Air at Norwich Airport.

RenEnergy solar port for Saxon Air at Norwich

Saxon Air, the private charter operator based at Norwich Airport in the UK has welcomed the installation of an innovative electric aircraft charging part by RenEnergy.

The purpose-built infrastructure integrates a solar energy array tailored for electric aircraft charging. It uses an 18kWp solar array covering 85.9 sqm and features 44 high-performance solar panels. Built on a durable steel frame, it generates around 18,146kWh of energy per year, enough to avoid 3,445kg of CO2 emissions annually, according to RenEnergy. The charging port adds to the clean energy capabilities Saxon Air has already embraced with the energy provider following the installation of a large-scale-grid-connected solar PV system.

The solar-powered port can generate sustainable power for multi operational needs with Saxon Air’s fleet featuring the Pipistrel Velis Electro – the first certified electric aircraft. “The installation of our aircraft solar charging canopy gets us closer to energy self-sufficiency targets,” commented Alex Durand, COE of Saxon Air. He added that it also showcases electric aviation to a wider audience “as we believe it’s the first of its kind at a UK regional airport.”

The standalone facility for energy self-sufficient electric aircraft operations is now very much part of normal airport operations, added Durand. It also aligns with Saxon Air’s goals for reducing carbon emissions and costs and also functions as a covered parking space protecting aircraft from the elements.

Underlining East Anglia’s commitment to clean energy in regional aviation, RenEnergy has also installed a solar-powered aircraft port at the nearby Old Buckenham Airfield.

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