RAF to celebrate King’s birthday with 34 aircraft flypast

The UK’s Royal Air Force is to celebrate the King’s birthday with a flypast over Buckingham Palace later today, with over 30 aircraft scheduled to participate.

Subject to weather, serviceability…

RAF to celebrate King’s birthday with 34 aircraft flypast

The UK’s Royal Air Force is to celebrate the King’s birthday with a flypast over Buckingham Palace later today, with over 30 aircraft scheduled to participate.

Subject to weather, serviceability and operational requirements, aircraft from eight different RAF stations and 15 Squadrons will join the flypast, led by Chinook helicopters from RAF Odiham’s No.7 Squadron.

These will be followed by three Eurofighter Typhoons from RAF Coningsby, using the radio callsign of ‘Memorial Flight’ in honour of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF)’s late colleague, Squadron Leader Mark Long. Replacing RAF Coningsby’s Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane previously scheduled to join the flypast, the jets will be piloted by instructors from the Typhoon Conversion unit, where Squadron Leader Long also flew the type.

Leading the Typhoon formation will be Squadron Leader Andy Milikin, previous commanding officer of the BBMF and RAF reservist, with the flypast marking his last flight in a Typhoon.

Other aircraft include rotary assets from Joint Aviation Command, training aircraft from No.22 Group and No.1 Group aircraft from the Air Mobility, ISTAR and Combat Air Forces. The flypast will culminate with the Red Arrows, with the team celebrating its 60th year.

“It is always a privilege to be part of His Majesty the King’s Birthday celebrations, where the flypast is an opportunity for us to honour His Majesty the King, our Commander-in-Chief, on this special occasion,” concluded Air Vice-Marshal Mark Flewin, Air Officer Commanding 1 Group.

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