Lufthansa Technik launches aviation industry data hub

Lufthansa Technik has set up AVIATION DataHub, an independent platform for all data generated by aviation-related companies.

Lufthansa Technik says the launch of the neutral data hub is an important…


Lufthansa Technik has set up AVIATION DataHub, an independent platform for all data generated by aviation-related companies.

Lufthansa Technik says the launch of the neutral data hub is an important step in the digitalisation of the maintenance, repair and overhaul business (MRO) and the integration of flight and ground-handling operations.

Through the platform, airlines, manufacturers and the MRO industry, as well as data providers and other market players, will be able to collect, compile and process important technical or flight-operations data – from technical operations and ground operations to flight operations.

Collaborating with competitors

Dr Christian Langer, Head of Digital Fleet Solutions at Lufthansa Technik, said: “We welcome competition. It drives innovation and the search for the best solutions. For this reason, AVIATION DataHub is open to anyone who wants to improve our industry – and that naturally includes our competitors. We are already in a fairly advanced stage of discussions with some potential shareholders and partners. The interest in such a neutral data platform is huge.”

“AVIATION DataHub is open to anyone who wants to improve our industry – and that naturally includes our competitors.”

Security and control

AVIATION DataHub ensures data security, quality and integrity as well as enabling data-owners to retain control. Airlines in particular will now be able to decide whether and with whom they want to share their data regarding the technical support of aircraft or the improvement of ground-handling and flight operations.

Dr Johannes Bussmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Lufthansa Technik, said: “The establishment of the hub is a very important step, especially in guaranteeing airlines’ control of the data of their fleets and the use of this information. Our aim is to ensure the independence of airlines and to maintain competition. After all, competition will make the aviation industry more dependable, efficient and environmentally conscious. Control, choice and competition for all market players – this is the guiding principle of AVIATION DataHub.”

AVIATION DataHub has been established as an independent company. Lufthansa Technik currently holds a 100% stake in AVIATION DataHub. Over the next few months, it plans to add other shareholders and partners from the aviation industry, including the manufacturers of components and systems, and ultimately reduce its stake “significantly”.


AVIATAR, another digital product offered by Lufthansa Technik, will also work with the data from the AVIATION DataHub. AVIATAR is an independent and integrated platform for digital services such as predictive maintenance with integrated technical implementation. As a next step, flight operations will be included as a way of providing airlines with an integrated and uniform solution for holistic fleet management.

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