IATA urges Spanish government to get behind SAF production

IATA is urging the Spanish government to adopt a proposal that would see it promote the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in the country.


White airplane model emitting fresh green leaves on blue background. Sustainable travel; clean and green energy; and biofuel for aviation industry concept.

IATA is urging the Spanish government to adopt a proposal that would see it promote the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in the country.

The Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge Commission of Spain’s Congress of Deputies approved a proposal calling for the central government to provide incentives for SAF production, fund R&D for new SAF sources, establish public-private partnerships for SAF and develop strategies for access to waste and bio-material for SAF feedstock.

The proposal was presented by the People’s Party with the support of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party.

IATA regional vice president for Europe Rafael Schvartzman said: “The Ecological Commission’s comprehensive proposal for greater state support for SAF is a big step in the right direction.

“It is particularly encouraging that this proposal has support across the political spectrum.

“Recognising the importance of aviation, the political consensus is to decarbonise flying without restricting people’s access to air travel.

“It is now critical for the Spanish government to turn this proposal into law.”

SAF is the primary technology for aviation to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050.

A major scaling-up of production is needed to increase global annual SAF production from current levels of 1.5 million tonnes in 2024 to more than 400 million tonnes by 2050.

The EU has set a near-term mandate for SAF use of 2% of all aviation fuel uplifted at EU airports in 2025 (rising to 6% by 2030), while at the global level the International Civil Aviation Organisation aims to achieve a 5% reduction in aviation’s carbon emissions by 2030 using SAF and Low Carbon Aviation Fuels. 

Schvartzman said: “Airlines are firmly focused on achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“As governments set interim targets, it is critical that they establish policies to achieve them. Spain’s Ecological Commission has correctly understood that SAF production is lagging far behind demand.

“Turning these proposals into law will address that along with creating jobs, shoring up the tourism sector and improving energy independence.

“Spain will be a leader in Europe and a global example for other governments to follow.”

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