Hans Airways’ first Airbus A330 arrives in UK

Hans Airways, a proposed new UK-based long-haul airline readying to fly to India, celebrated the arrival of its first Airbus A330-200 on UK soil last week.

The aircraft touched down…


Hans Airways, a proposed new UK-based long-haul airline readying to fly to India, celebrated the arrival of its first Airbus A330-200 on UK soil last week.

The aircraft touched down from Palma Airport, Mallorca to Birmingham International Airport, welcomed by CEO Satnam Saini, COO Nathan Burkitt and CCO Martin Dunn for Hans Airways, ahead of formal technical handover and technical acceptance signing with the lessor.

Hans Airways has partnered with maintenance and repair overhaul specialist STS Aviation Services for re-registration tasks and entry into service modifications ahead of its route-proving flight for the UK Civil Aviation Authority in the coming weeks. The A330 will fly as newly re-registered G-KJAS.

Since 2020, Hans Airways has maintained a close dialogue with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on its progress.

Preparatory work in UAE and Spain

Prior to arriving in Palma, the aircraft underwent a thorough 200-hour inspection in Abu Dhabi (UAE) by Etihad Engineering (work previously contracted by its former airline operator, Air Europa).

The aircraft was required to return to Spain, its original country of registration for final contractual, administration, financial transfer and customs clearance.

In Palma work included a final internal inspection of the engines and rectification of any defects identified on the airworthiness and positioning flight.
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