Gatwick set for summer strikes

Gatwick airport is facing potential delays this summer after about 300 workers voted to go on strike.

The pay strikes involve 100 baggage security screeners employed

Gatwick Airport, Control tower with aircraft in flight in background, DP, 19 August 2004, (CGA857)

Gatwick airport is facing potential delays this summer after about 300 workers voted to go on strike.

The pay strikes involve 100 baggage security screeners employed by ICTS and 200 Wilson James workers who provide special assistance services for vulnerable passengers.

The Unite union which represents the workers said they are striking over low pay. Both sets of workers earn just above the minimum wage and have rejected pay offers from their employers.

As a result, they have now announced strikes from 12 to 14 July and 19 to 21 July at the UK airport and are threatening further industrial action if the disputes are not resolved. 

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “These workers undertake incredibly demanding roles at one of the UK’s busiest airports. They are simply seeking a fair day’s pay.

“ICTS and Wilson James are wealthy companies and can well afford to put forward acceptable pay offers. Our members at Gatwick have Unite’s total backing in taking strike action for a decent pay rise.”

The strikes will cause significant disruption to security screening and passenger services.

In addition, around 100 dNata HGV drivers and warehouse workers who provide all of easyJet’s onboard catering at Gatwick are being balloted for strike action after the company reneged on an agreement over shift pay payments.

Unite regional officer Dominic Rothwell said: “There is still time to avoid industrial action, but that will require these companies to table deals that are acceptable to our members.”

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