First H125s enter service in Brazil

The Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force) has received its first H125 training helicopter for the 1º/11º GAV, Gavião Squadron at Natal-Augusto Severo.


The Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force) has received its first H125 training helicopter for the 1º/11º GAV, Gavião Squadron, part of the Comando de Preparo (COMPREP) – Segundo Comando Aéreo Regional (II COMAR) at Natal-Augusto Severo. The unit currently uses the older Helibras H-50 (AS-350) Esquilo.

The Brazilian military Combat Aircraft Programme Coordinating Committee (COPAC) placed an order in September 2022 for the purchase of 27 new H125 helicopters for the Força Aérea Brasileira and the Comando da Força Aeronaval (Brazilian naval aviation command), replacing ageing AS350s with the air force, and navy Bell 206 Jet Rangers.

The 27 new single-engined H125 helicopters are intended to boost the training capacity of the Brazilian Navy and air force, and are being produced at the H125 final assembly line at Helibras’ factory located in Itajubá, Brazil. The factory is also responsible for producing H225Ms for the Brazilian armed forces.

The new H125 helicopters will have a G500H TXi double glass cockpit and VEMD (Vehicle & Engine Multifunction Display) and will be compatible with the use of night vision goggles (NVG). They will also incorporate some mission equipment including a winch and an underslung load hook to enable them to provide more representative training for future pilots.

The Brazilian armed forces currently operate a total of 156 Airbus helicopters from eight bases across the country. These range from the light single engine Ecureuil family (34 Fennecs and 33 H125s) to the multi-purpose heavy H225M helicopter, 41 of which are in service. They undertake a wide range of missions including tactical transport, search and rescue missions, and civil population support.

Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, the Commander of the Air Force greeted the original procurement by saying that: “This joint procurement contract represents the realisation of a project that will equip both the Brazilian Air Force and Navy with modern aircraft that will meet the needs of the Forces for the next 30 years.”

Bruno Even, the CEO of Airbus Helicopters said that: “Airbus Helicopters is proud to see the H125 supporting the training of the next generation of pilots of the Brazilian armed forces. The H125 is a versatile helicopter used widely in both the civil and military markets as a training platform thanks to its ruggedness, reliability, and easy maintenance. We are honoured by the continued confidence of the Brazilian armed forces after more than 40 years of cooperation.”

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