Feeling fresh tops wish list to get passengers through ultra-long haul flights
‘@wearefinn Twitter poll finds physical comfort tops connectivity for potential ultra-long haul flyers
Potential passengers of long haul flights have ranked showers…

‘@wearefinn Twitter poll finds physical comfort tops connectivity for potential ultra-long haul flyers
Potential passengers of long haul flights have ranked showers over screen time to get them through ultra long haul flights.
Potential passengers of long haul flights have ranked showers over screen time to get them through ultra long haul flights.
After Qantas’ 19 hour, 16 minute, test flight from New York to Sydney touched down last month, we asked readers how they would get through the world’s longest flight.
Our light-hearted poll asked readers to rank their priorities on the things they thought would get them through such a long flight. And while many airlines are focused on increasing connectivity while in the air, our passengers had different priorities, preferring the physical sensation of running water over keeping up to speed with current affairs.
Our poll results were:
Shower 39 per cent
Wine 34 per cent
Mobile phone 24 per cent
Live news feed 3 per cent
Qantas collected data from experiments on the test flight which will be used help shape crew rostering and customer service on the airlines’ ultra long haul flights of the future, dubbed Project Sunrise. Tests ranged from monitoring pilot brain waves, melatonin levels and alertness, through to exercise classes for passengers.
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