Eurocontrol launches landing and take-off cycle emissions estimator
Pan-European, civil-military organisation Eurocontrol has launched its landing and take-off cycle emissions estimator (LTO EE), allowing users to access emissions data relating to aircraft activity in all airports covered by the Eurocontrol area.
The LTO EE is based on work conducted by Eurocontrol on the fuel burn and emissions inventory system (FEIS) procedure, providing the best available data on taxi times via an automated process. Together with different engine databases – including ICAO’s aircraft engine emissions databank – airports integrated with the Network Manager can “benefit from early availability of precise taxi time per individual flight, thereby improving the accuracy of the estimates”. For other airports, estimates can be substituted for precise data per individual flight.
All ‘Airport Corner’ users from airport operators and air navigation service providers have automatic access to the programme, with users able to access their own data for their respective airport, which is updated daily and contains five years of historical data. Information (including CO2 and NOX estimates) is available for aircraft operation on the ground and in the vicinity of airports up to 3,000ft above ground level.
An additional ‘what if’ element allows users to “model the impact of different parameters on fuel burn, emissions and fuel costs with the focus on ground operation,” concludes Eurocontrol, adding that the same calculation methods and data sources are used across the ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) area. This allows users an overview of their own airport’s performance compared to others within the same category.