FINN’s top five videos of 2021

2021 was again dominated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the industry and wider supply chain.

While the virus continued to dominate the headlines, other issues such as…

2021 was again dominated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the industry and wider supply chain.

While the virus continued to dominate the headlines, other issues such as sustainability and diversity were also inching up the news agenda. Innovation was not in short supply as the year brought more developments within the space and urban air mobility sectors.

Just in case you missed them, here are some of FINN’s most watched videos from 2021, plus some more of our team’s editorial highlights.

Most watched


Is there a future for pilot training?

With the airline industry still in the grips of its biggest crisis. FINN editor-in-chief Alan Peaford took an in-depth look at how the pandemic was affecting the global training industry in January 2021.

Dubai Airshow 2021 highlights

The global aerospace industry gained a much needed confidence boost in November 2021, with the return of face-to-face networking at the Dubai Airshow in November 2021, along with a gleaming showcase of the latest in aircraft design and billions of dollars worth of deals.


Best of the rest: more of FINN’s video highlights from 2021


Inspiring the next generation of women onto the flight deck

Achieving greater diversity across the sector was one of the key issues to hit the headlines in 2021. With both aerospace and defence unveiling goals towards improving gender balance, Stefanie Broekhuizen, First Officer for Dutch national carrier KLM gave a frank account of her experiences as a female pilot in July 2021.

JetPack Aviation: turning a dream into reality

FINN caught up with inventor David Mayman in September 2021 to talk about how he turned his dream of flying a jetpack around the Statue of Liberty and Sydney Harbour into reality… Mayman’s device is now in trials with American special services and has orders from a South East Asian government.

ADA rocket “starts the gun” for UK space launches

In August 2021 FINN’s cameras covered the successful launch of commercial rocket ADA from the Outer Hebrides to mark the start of more UK-based space activity – from on the ground – and back down to Earth again.


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