More details of Italy’s Tranche 1 Typhoon replacement

January 11, 2025

When new orders for the Eurofighter Typhoon were placed by Spain and Italy before Christmas, there was a great deal of detail as to aircraft numbers, the split between single-seaters and two-seaters, and what radar will be incorporated for Spain, and rather less for the Italian order.
When the leaders of Eurofighter and NETMA (the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) signed the contract for up to 24 new Italian Air Force Eurofighters on 23 December 2024, we complained that: “The announcement lacked any detail as to the breakdown of single seaters and two-seaters (Known as the F.2000 and TF.2000A in Italian service) within the new batch.
The new aircraft will replace the 26 or so Italian Tranche 1 aircraft that are currently in service, and that are due for retirement in 2029. We have learned that the 24 aircraft ordered will include 22 single seaters and two two-seat trainers. Under current plans the aircraft will be delivered to the P3EC standard, but that could change to the P4E standard.
The Phase 3 Enhancement (P3E) is being delivered via a number of steps. P3EA was divided into five increments under the National Development Programme, but brought full integration of the MBDA Brimstone air-to-ground missile and the Meteor air-to-air missile, as well as the Litening 5 targeting pod. P3EA also introduced an improved human-machine interface.
P3EB introduced new AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar functionalities allowing integration of the ECRS.Mk 0 radar (supplied to Kuwait and Qatar) and ECRS.Mk 1 for Germany and Spain. P3EB introduced enhanced multi-role functionality and integration of the Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod.
P3EC more fully integrates the ECRS Mk 1 radar and provides further increased air-to-ground functionalities. P3EC was to have supported integration of the ECRS.Mk 2 radar for the UK, which has electronic warfare and electronic attack capabilities, though Radar 2 may now lie outside P3EC.
The P3EC package also includes an improved cockpit interface (perhaps supporting the planned new Large Area Display) and enhanced Radio Frequency Interoperability (RFIO), which will improve survivability and lethality.
The P4E package will bring a digital receiver capability, automated sensor management and an extended EM band capability, together with enhanced signal processing algorithms and processor capabilities. These will allow greater integration of the Praetorian DASS system with E-scan radar. P4E will provide DASS (Defensive Aids Sub-System) upgrades for all customers, and the IOC standard for the German Typhoon EK SEAD variant.
Radar choice is still to be confirmed, but the fact that first deliveries are due to start from 2029 would indicate that ECRS.Mk 0 is most likely. Eurofighter CEO, Giancarlo Mezzanatto, told this author at the Farnborough International Airshow, that the aircraft would be needed: before 2030, in response to a question about what radar the aircraft would have.
While 2030 is the in service date for the ECRS.Mk 2 radar for the UK Royal Air Force, Leonardo’s ground-breaking new ECRS.Mk 2 radar could perhaps be delivered earlier, given the right funding profile and sufficient manpower. The radar colloquially referred to as ‘Radar Two’ was offered to Finland with a delivery date of 2025. While this is no longer possible, a date of 2027-28 probably is, if resource can be spared from the GCAP ISANKE-ICS programme.