Virtual refuelling reduces risk

Traditionally, air refuelling systems require bespoke solutions and lengthy development cycles. Cobham is speeding this up through simulation and virtual modelling.

Cobham recently introduced Virtual Refuelling (VR), a simulation solution…

Traditionally, air refuelling systems require bespoke solutions and lengthy development cycles. Cobham is speeding this up through simulation and virtual modelling.

Cobham recently introduced Virtual Refuelling (VR), a simulation solution which can demonstrate accurate real-time hose and drogue behaviour in a modelled Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) environment.

Michael Burke, Cobham, explained: “What that allows us to do is accurately project and predict what the hose will be doing in flight. Traditionally we’d go through a development programme, a prototype, we’d fly it to see that the system was performing as we expect. By doing that modelling beforehand, we are very close then to showing what it will do in reality and using real-time modelling. ”

“We can predict with accuracy…We don’t need to spend endless hours in terms of flight trials etc. to provide a qualified product.”

By Michael Burke, Cobham

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