Increasing sector competitiveness through digital transformation

Digital transformation specialist FORCAM helps companies to improve their efficiency and workflows on a global scale using software platforms.Managing Director Martin Atkinson explained: “We achieve that by working in a…

Digital transformation specialist FORCAM helps companies to improve their efficiency and workflows on a global scale using software platforms.Managing Director Martin Atkinson explained: “We achieve that by working in a collaborative manner with our customers and making sure that we understand our customers manufacturing processes and procedures and the fiscal aspirations for their business. We work with a customer on clearly defined programmes, the standardisation of those programmes and the rapid deployment of those programmes on a global basis. This enforces good work in practice. And drives up competitive advantage for our customers.”

Atkinson added that making sense of the amount of data produced by advances in digitisation was one of FORCAM’s biggest challenges.

Contextualising data through performance improvement

He explained: “It’s very important that we are able to use our experience to help our customers understand what data is actually a value to their business. And to contextualise that data in terms of performance improvement, the ability to release capacity to create new opportunity, new markets, and to drive fiscal value for our customer.”

He added that increased productivity within the sector could be achieved through implementation of technological improvements and data insights. FORCAM’s platform connects the shop floor, macting producing the product and visibility of every step of the manufacturing process to the resource planning system

He explained: “The aerospace segment is facing unprecedented challenge and opportunity. These being the need to lightweight and apply advanced materials, which will require new manufacturing processes, new ways of making, and also the demand on aircraft manufacturers to deliver 30 to 40 completed aircraft a month.”

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